jeudi 23 février 2017

Chacma Baboon

Baboons live mostly in the African woodland savanna, and highland grasslands. They never wander far from trees, or a source of water. The chacma baboon is found in the countries of Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Baboons are the savanna's version of the monkey, and are the largest member of the monkey family. The males can weigh from 59 to 97 pounds (30-40 kg) and are about 20 to 30 in. long (50-70 cm). Females can weigh from 31 to 37 pounds (15- 20 kg) and are 16 to 24 in. long

(40-60 cm). It has beady, close-set eyes under a heavy brow, and a dog-like muzzle with sharp tusk-like upper canine teeth. Its muzzle is bare, as is its rump under the tail. They are very hairy animals with olive-gray fur. Its fur sticks up all over its body. They walk on all four feet with their tails held in a crooked arch over their back. Their tails are around 2 feet long.

Unlike what you would expect, baboons do not live in trees. They spend most of their time on the ground. The only time they go into trees is to escape predators, get food, or spend the night. They might also spend the night on tall rocky outcroppings. Baboon babies go up in trees to horse around and play with each other. Baboons mostly eat fruit from trees, roots, an assortment of plants, and of course, bugs.

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